- Floating clouds cover the sun. 浮云蔽日。
- Clouds cover the sun inbetween high rise office buildings. 云和办公楼图片 Clouds and Office Buildings.
- Floating clouds obscure the sun. 浮云翳日。
- Thick cloud covered the sky, far away there was a gap in the cloud, and the sun shined through the gap, letting the sunshine formed a thin, transparent curtain in the sky. 厚厚的云层笼罩著天空,远方的云层有一处空隙,阳光穿过空隙洒落而下,形成了一层透明的薄幕。
- Towards evening, as the sun went down, dark clouds covered the sky, the thunder rolled and the lightning flashed, and the red light glowed on the icebergs as they rocked and tossed on the heaving sea. 不过黄昏时分,天上忽然起了一片乌云。电闪起来了,雷轰起来了,黑色的巨浪掀起整片的冰块,使它们在血红的雷电中闪着光。
- The cloud formation covered the sun. 云层遮住了太阳。
- A treacherous court official that cheats a monarch is like a floating cloud obscuring the sun. 奸臣当道犹如浮云蔽日。
- Refulgent fall the golden rays of the sun;a minute only, the clouds cover him and the hedge is dark. 金色的阳光是那么灿烂,转瞬间浮云遮掩了太阳,树篱便暗了下来。
- When they came downstairs, The radio was still on. Dawn had come up, but the sun lay behind a thin cloud cover. 他们走下楼梯,那收音机还在播放着。黎明已经降临,太阳却还躲在一层薄薄的彩云中。
- Thick cloud cover over India obscured the sun when the eclipse began but the clouds parted in several cities, minutes before the total eclipse took place at 6.24 am. 印度上空乌云密布,在日食出现的时候挡住了太阳;但在个别城市,早晨6点24分,在日食出现的几分钟前乌云便散去。
- The stars hazed over as a large cloud covered the night sky. 一大片云遮住了夜空,这时星星变得朦胧起来。
- The sun burst through after the clouds rolled away. 乌云滚滚而去后,太阳破云而出。
- The cope of clouds covering the city cleared up by mid-day. 笼罩城市的厚重乌云在中午时散开了。
- When I snuff you out, I will cover the heavens and darken their stars; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon will not give its light. 我将你扑灭的时候,要把天遮蔽,使众星昏暗,以密云遮掩太阳,月亮也不放光。
- And Moses went up into the mount, and a cloud covered the mount. 摩西上山,有云彩把山遮盖。
- The sun burst through the clouds. 太阳从云缝里露出来了。
- The lunar appeared haloes as thick cloud covered the moonlight . 厚厚的云层遮住了月光,只留下一圈朦胧的光晕。
- Dust swept over the area again in black clouds that covered the sun. 黄沙象蔽日的乌云又一次地席卷这一地区。
- The clouds broke and the sun came out. 云一散开,太阳就出来了。
- "And when I extinguish you, I will cover the heavens and darken their stars; I will cover the sun with a cloud And the moon will not give its light. 我将你扑灭的时候、要把天遮蔽、使众星昏暗、以密云遮掩太阳、月亮也不放光。